Antara Jarum Jam Dan Jarum Kompas
Dalam bukunya yang berjudul “First Things First”, Stephen R. Covey mengemukakan
konsep yang sangat menarik. Buku ini saya baca pada tahun 1995, dan hingga saat ini
masih terus saya temukan relevansinya.
Covey mengemukakan adanya dua jenis jarum penunjuk yang sangat mempengaruhi
hidup kita. Yang satu adalah jarum jam, yang mengarahkan jadwal dan aktifitas kita,
sehari-hari. Jadwal dan aktifitas yang mengisi agenda dan reminder di handphone kita.
Contohnya: meeting yang harus dihadiri, deadline penyerahan tugas yang harus
ditepati, janji pertemuan dengan seseorang, acara bersama keluarga, dan sebagainya.
JARUM JAM mewakili cara kita mengatur dan mengisi waktu kita dalam perjalanan hidup ini. Jarum satunya lagi adalah jarum kompas, yang memberi
petunjuk arah tujuan kita. Untuk mencapai tempat yang hendak
kita tuju, bisa saja jalannya tidak mulus. Kadang kala, karena di
hadapan kita terdapat tembok tinggi, kita butuh bantuan anak
tangga, atau bahkan harus mengambil jalan melingkar. Apapun
itu, selama masih memegang kompas di tangan, kita tidak akan
tersesat, meskipun harus mengambil jalan melingkar. Bila kita
lepaskan kompas dari tangan kita, atau bila jarum kompas sudah
tidak lagi menunjukkan arah yang benar, maka kemungkinan
besar kita akan tersesat.
JARUM KOMPAS mewakili visi, nilai-nilai, prinsip hidup, keyakinan, hati nurani, dan
tujuan yang hendak kita raih. Ia mencerminkan apa yang kita anggap PENTING dalam
hidup kita, yang akan mengarahkan keputusan-keputusan yang kita ambil dalam
perjalanan hidup kita.
Bila perputaran jarum jam berjalan mendekati arah yang ditunjukkan jarum kompas,
berarti kita menjalani hidup yang searah dengan nilai dan keyakinan kita. Hidup akan
terasa indah. Kita akan merasakan kebahagiaan dan ketenangan batin.
Masalah muncul bila terjadi kesenjangan pada kedua jarum tersebut. Ketika kita merasa
apa yang kita lakukan tidak mendekatkan kita pada apa yang kita anggap penting dalam
hidup ini. Ketika ada kesenjangan antara apa yang seharusnya kita lakukan, apa yang
ingin kita lakukan, dan apa yang secara nyata kita lakukan.
Ada baiknya bila kesadaran itu muncul dari awalnya. Namun yang seringkali terjadi,
kesadaran itu muncul belakangan, ketika semuanya sudah terjadi. Ketika semua
pencapaian sudah kita raih, kita tetap tidak menemukan kepuasan. Yang kita temukan
adalah kehampaan dan rasa sepi.
Ibarat orang yang berusaha keras memanjat satu demi satu “anak tangga keberhasilan”
(pendidikan, jabatan, kedudukan, penghargaan, dan kesuksesan keuangan), namun
setelah mencapai anak tangga teratas, kita baru menyadari bahwa tangga itu bersandar
pada ... dinding yang salah.
Seringkali dalam proses menaiki “anak tangga keberhasilan”, kita
terlalu fokus pada salah satu aspek. Biasanya aspek
karir/pekerjaan/keuangan. Memang tidak ada yang salah dengan
ini. Tapi karir/pekerjaan/keuangan bukanlah satu-satunya aspek
dalam hidup kita. Ada aspek keluarga, sosial (teman/lingkungan),
religius, dan sebagainya. Fokus pada satu aspek dengan
menelantarkan aspek yang lain akan membuat hidup kita tidak
seimbang. Akibatnya, tidak jarang kita mendengar seorang
sahabat curhat dengan mengatakan, “Kan saya seperti ini juga
demi keluarga. Seharusnya mereka mengerti!.”
Hidup yang tidak seimbang justru akan mengerdilkan arti kemajuan yang berhasil
kita raih di salah satu aspek, sebesar apapun itu. Di puncak keberhasilan itu, kita
ternyata menemukan kehampaan dan rasa sepi. Saat itu baru kita sadari bahwa “anak
tangga keberhasilan” yang telah kita naiki dengan susah payah, ternyata bersandar pada dinding yang salah.Arti keberhasilan di salah satu aspek baru menjadi lengkap dengan kehadiran aspek
kehidupan lainnya. Arti keberhasilan karir misalnya, justru kita rasakan ketika ada
keluarga dan sahabat yang memberi selamat (secara tulus) dan ikut merasakan
kebahagiaan yang kita rasakan. Dan perayaan itu diawali dengan ucapan syukur dan
terima kasih dari dasar hati kita kepada Tuhan yang telah memungkinkan segalanya
Hukum kehidupan itu sebetulnya sederhana. Hidup kita berarti karena adanya Tuhan
dan kehadiran orang lain, berupa keluarga, sahabat, rekan kerja, karyawan,
perusahaan, dan lingkungan tempat tinggal kita. Hidup kita berarti karena kita memberi
arti dan nilai lebih bagi orang-orang yang kita cintai dan mencintai kita.
Hendaknya kita mengisi perputaran jarum jam kita sehari-hari, tanpa melupakan arah
yang telah ditunjuk oleh jarum kompas
Mutiara Renungan:
Tujuan Hidup
“Jalan menuju tujuan kita tidak selamanya lurus. Kadang kita mengambil jalan yang
salah, tersesat, atau harus memutar. Mungkin masalahnya bukan jalan apa kita ambil.
Yang penting adalah kita sudah memulai.” - Barbara Hall
“Sebuah rencana yang baik adalah seperti sebuah peta. Ia menunjukkan tempat tujuan
kita, dan biasanya jalan terbaik menuju ke sana.” - H. Stanley Judd
“Apa yang Anda perlukan adalah sebuah rencana, sebuah peta, dan keberanian untuk
mengarah pada tujuan Anda.” - Earl Nightingale
“Dengan melewati semua hambatan dan rintangan, seseorang pasti akan tiba pada
tujuan yang diinginkannya.” - Christopher Columbus
“Fokus pada perjalanannya, bukan pada tujuannya. Kebahagiaan yang sebenarnya
bukan pada saat menyelesaikannya, melainkan pada saat melakukannya.” - Greg
“Ikuti apa yang sungguh-sungguh Anda sukai, dan biarkan ia menuntun Anda menuju
tujuan Anda.” - Diane Sawyer
“Ia yang tidak tahu bagaimana melihat ke belakang, ke tempat asalnya, tidak akan
mencapai tempat tujuannya.” - Jose Rizal
“Saya tidak bisa mengubah arah angin, tapi saya bisa menyesuaikan layar agar saya
tetap mencapai tempat tujuan saya.” - Jimmy Dean
“Tujuan seseorang bukanlah sebuah tempat. Sesungguhnya, ia adalah sebuah cara
pandang yang baru terhadap segala sesuatu.” - Henry Miller
“Sukses adalah sebuah perjalanan, bukan tujuan. Saat Anda melakukannya adalah jauh
lebih penting dibanding saat Anda berhasil mencapainya.” - Arthur Ashe
“Tanpa sasaran dan rencana untuk mencapainya, Anda adalah seperti sebuah perahu
yang berlayar tanpa tujuan.” - Fitzhugh Dodson
“Jalan yang mengarah pada tujuan Anda tidaklah terpisah dari tujuan Anda. Ia adalah
bagian dari tujuan itu sendiri.” - Charles de Lint
“Hidup yang baik adalah sebuah proses, bukan sebuah keadaan. Ia adalah sebuah arah,
bukan tujuan.” - Carl Rogers
“Anda ditakdirkan menjadi orang yang Anda putuskan.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Anda dapat menentukan apa yang Anda inginkan. Anda dapat memutuskan sasaran utama, target dan tujuan Anda.” – W. Clement Stone
“Jalan kehidupan penuh dengan tikungan dan belokan, dan tidak ada dua arah yang
sama. Tapi pelajaran hidup ini datang dari proses perjalanannya, bukan dari tujuannya.”
– Don William Jr
Cerita & Puisi Inspiratif:
Pencapaian Hidup
Pada jaman dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang raja. Suatu hari, Sang Raja memberitahu
perawat kudanya, bahwa ia diperbolehkan menunggang kudanya dan menjelajahi
daerah yang dikehendakinya seluas mungkin. Sang Raja akan menghadiahi perawat
kuda itu semua daerah yang berhasil dijelajahinya.
Tentu saja, sang perawat kuda segera melompat ke kudanya dan memacu kudanya
berlari secepat mungkin, menjelajahi sebanyak mungkin daerah yang bisa dilewatinya.
Ia terus berjalan, dan tanpa henti mencambuk kudanya agar berlari secepat mungkin.
Rasa lapar dan lelah tidak dihiraukannya. Ia ingin bisa menjelajahi sebanyak mungkin
Tibalah hari dimana ia sudah berhasil menjelajahi daerah yang cukup banyak. Namun
pada saat itu, ia sudah kehabisan tenaga dan sekarat. Bertanyalah ia pada dirinya
sendiri, "Mengapa saya memaksa diri menjelajahi daerah sebanyak ini? Kini saya
sekarat, dan yang saya butuhkan hanya sedikit tempat untuk menguburkan tubuh yang sekarat ini?
Pengarang: Tidak Diketahui ; Sumber: Tidak Diketahui
Rabu, 27 Mei 2009
Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
my fave inspiring poems
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you.
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat these two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
by Rudyard Kipling
The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.
It Couldn't be Done
by Edgar Guest
Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But, he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't" but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, as he did it.
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one we know has done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle right in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That cannot be done, and you'll do it
A Smile
Author Unknown
A smile costs nothing, but gives much-
It takes but a moment, but the memory of it usually lasts forever.
None are so rich that can get along without it-
And none are so poor but that can be made rich by it.
It enriches those who receive, without making poor those who give-
It creates sunshine in the home,
Fosters good will in business,
And is the best antidote for trouble-
And yet it cannot be begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is of no value
Unless it is given away.
Some people are too busy to give you a smile-
Give them one of yours-
For the good Lord knows that no one needs a smile so badly
As he or she who has no more smiles left to give.
If You Think You are Beaten
by Walter D. Wintle
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win but think you can't,
It's almost certain you won't.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.
Men Whom Men Condemn as Ill
by Joaquin Miller
In men whom men condemn as ill
I find so much of goodness still,
In men whom men pronounce divine
I find so much of sin and blot,
I do not dare to draw a line
Between the two, where God has not.
If I Knew You & You Knew Me
by Nixon Waterman
If I knew you and you knew me,
If both of us could clearly see,
And with an inner sight divine,
The meaning of your heart and mine,
I'm sure that we would differ less,
And clasp our hands in friendliness;
Our thoughts would pleasantly agree,
If I knew you and you knew me.
Ode to Googlebot
by Will Edwards
Oh Googlebot though art quick !
The invisible spider
that crawls in the night,
through the howling scorn,
Hath (finally) found my bed
of blue and orange joy.
And his dark secrets found
doth now life bestow.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you.
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat these two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
by Rudyard Kipling
The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.
It Couldn't be Done
by Edgar Guest
Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But, he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't" but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, as he did it.
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one we know has done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle right in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That cannot be done, and you'll do it
A Smile
Author Unknown
A smile costs nothing, but gives much-
It takes but a moment, but the memory of it usually lasts forever.
None are so rich that can get along without it-
And none are so poor but that can be made rich by it.
It enriches those who receive, without making poor those who give-
It creates sunshine in the home,
Fosters good will in business,
And is the best antidote for trouble-
And yet it cannot be begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is of no value
Unless it is given away.
Some people are too busy to give you a smile-
Give them one of yours-
For the good Lord knows that no one needs a smile so badly
As he or she who has no more smiles left to give.
If You Think You are Beaten
by Walter D. Wintle
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win but think you can't,
It's almost certain you won't.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.
Men Whom Men Condemn as Ill
by Joaquin Miller
In men whom men condemn as ill
I find so much of goodness still,
In men whom men pronounce divine
I find so much of sin and blot,
I do not dare to draw a line
Between the two, where God has not.
If I Knew You & You Knew Me
by Nixon Waterman
If I knew you and you knew me,
If both of us could clearly see,
And with an inner sight divine,
The meaning of your heart and mine,
I'm sure that we would differ less,
And clasp our hands in friendliness;
Our thoughts would pleasantly agree,
If I knew you and you knew me.
Ode to Googlebot
by Will Edwards
Oh Googlebot though art quick !
The invisible spider
that crawls in the night,
through the howling scorn,
Hath (finally) found my bed
of blue and orange joy.
And his dark secrets found
doth now life bestow.
Be Reluctantless
Be Reluctantless
We have a tendency to make significant choices
in our lives and then forget that we actually made
the choice. Work is such a choice.
If we forget to choose the work we do then each day
of our life can easily be an experience of
continuous reluctance.
Would you choose to live your life reluctantly?
Every time you use the words ‘have to’ you are
telling the universe you would rather not be
where you are and you'd rather not do what you are
doing at that moment.
And if you keep thinking in this way in one area
of your life, it becomes a habitual thought pattern
which you soon find turning up in your attitude
every where in your life.
And if you keep thinking, feeling, saying and
living with this pattern of reluctance you can be
absolutely sure the universe will eventually grant
your recurring wish.
But you will like the result even less.
Nothing positive, fulfilling or empowering was
ever created with the energy of reluctance.
Don’t be reluctant about anything in your life today.
Re-affirm your presence and your choices every day.
We have a tendency to make significant choices
in our lives and then forget that we actually made
the choice. Work is such a choice.
If we forget to choose the work we do then each day
of our life can easily be an experience of
continuous reluctance.
Would you choose to live your life reluctantly?
Every time you use the words ‘have to’ you are
telling the universe you would rather not be
where you are and you'd rather not do what you are
doing at that moment.
And if you keep thinking in this way in one area
of your life, it becomes a habitual thought pattern
which you soon find turning up in your attitude
every where in your life.
And if you keep thinking, feeling, saying and
living with this pattern of reluctance you can be
absolutely sure the universe will eventually grant
your recurring wish.
But you will like the result even less.
Nothing positive, fulfilling or empowering was
ever created with the energy of reluctance.
Don’t be reluctant about anything in your life today.
Re-affirm your presence and your choices every day.
Selasa, 19 Mei 2009
poems by A.E. (George William Russell)
I AM the tender voice calling 'Away,'
Whispering between the beatings of the heart,
And inaccessible in dewy eyes
I dwell, and all unkissed on lovely lips,
Lingering between white breasts inviolate,
And fleeting ever from the passionate touch,
I shine afar, till men may not divine
Whether it is the stars or the beloved
They follow with wrapt spirit. And I weave
My spells at evening, folding with dim caress,
Aerial arms and twilight dropping hair,
The lonely wanderer by wood or shore,
Till, filled with some deep tenderness, he yields,
Feeling in dreams for the dear mother heart
He knew, ere he forsook the starry way,
And clings there, pillowed far above the smoke
And the dim murmur from the duns of men.
I can enchant the trees and rocks, and fill
The dumb brown lips of earth with mystery,
Make them reveal or hide the god. I breathe
A deeper pity than all love, myself
Mother of all, but without hands to heal:
Too vast and vague, they know me not. But yet
I am the heartbreak over fallen things,
The sudden gentleness that stays the blow,
And I am in the kiss that foemen give
Pausing in battle, and in the tears that fall
Over the vanquished foe, and in the highest;
Among the Danaan gods, I am the last
Council of mercy in their hearts where they
Mete justice from a thousand starry thrones.
THERE were many burning hours on the heart-sweet tide,
And we passed away from ourselves, forgetting all
The immortal moods that faded, the god who died,
Hastening away to the King on a distant call.
There were ruby dews were shed when the heart was riven,
And passionate pleading and prayers to the dead we had wronged;
And we passed away unremembering and unforgiven,
Hastening away to the King for the peace we longed.
Love unremembered and heart-ache we left behind,
We forsook them, unheeding, hastening away in our flight;
We knew the hearts we had wronged of old we would find
When we came to the fold of the King for rest in the night
HOW shallow is this mere that gleams!
Its depth of blue is from the skies;
And from a distant sun the dreams
And lovely light within your eyes.
We deem our love so infinite
Because the Lord is everywhere,
And love awakening is made bright
And bathed in that diviner air.
We go on our enchanted way
And deem our hours immortal hours,
Who are but shadow kings that play
With mirrored majesties and powers.
AT DUSK the window panes grew grey;
The wet world vanished in the gloom;
The dim and silver end of day
Scarce glimmered through the little room.
And all my sins were told; I said
Such things to her who knew not sin—
The sharp ache throbbing in my head,
The fever running high within.
I touched with pain her purity;
Sin's darker sense I could not bring:
My soul was black as night to me:
To her I was a wounded thing.
I needed love no words could say;
She drew me softly nigh her chair,
My head upon her knees to lay,
With cool hands that caressed my hair.
She sat with hands as if to bless,
And looked with grave, ethereal eyes;
Ensouled by ancient quietness,
A gentle priestess of the Wise.
OUR true hearts are forever lonely:
A wistfulness is in our thought:
Our lights are like the dawns which only
Seem bright to us and yet are not.
Something you see in me I wis not:
Another heart in you I guess:
A stranger's lips—but thine I kiss not,
Erring in all my tenderness.
I sometimes think a mighty lover
Takes every burning kiss we give:
His lights are those which round us hover:
For him alone our lives we live.
Ah, sigh for us whose hearts unseeing
Point all their passionate love in vain,
And blinded in the joy of being,
Meet only when pain touches pain.
The Vesture of the Soul
I PITIED one whose tattered dress
Was patched, and stained with dust and rain;
He smiled on me; I could not guess
The viewless spirit's wide domain.
He said, 'The royal robe I wear
Trails all along the fields of light:
Its silent blue and silver bear
For gems the starry dust of night.'
'The breath of joy unceasingly
Waves to and fro its folds starlit,
And far beyond earth's misery
I live and breathe the joy of it.'
The Twilight of Earth
THE wonder of the world is o'er:
The magic from the sea is gone:
There is no unimagined shore,
No islet yet to venture on.
The Sacred Hazels' blooms are shed,
The Nuts of Knowledge harvested.
Oh, what is worth this lore of age
If time shall never bring us back
Our battle with the gods to wage
Reeling along the starry track.
The battle rapture here goes by
In warring upon things that die.
Let be the tale of him whose love
Was sighed between white Deirdre's breasts,
It will not lift the heart above
The sodden clay on which it rests.
Love once had power the gods to bring
All rapt on its wild wandering.
We shiver in the falling dew,
And seek a shelter from the storm:
When man these elder brothers knew
He found the mother nature warm,
A hearth fire blazing through it all,
A home without a circling wall.
We dwindle down beneath the skies,
And from ourselves we pass away:
The paradise of memories
Grows ever fainter day by day.
The shepherd stars have shrunk within,
The world's great night will soon begin.
Will no one, ere it is too late,
Ere fades the last memorial gleam,
Recall for us our earlier state?
For nothing but so vast a dream
That it would scale the steeps of air
Could rouse us from so vast despair.
The power is ours to make or mar
Our fate as on the earliest morn,
The Darkness and the Radiance are
Creatures within the spirit born.
Yet, bathed in gloom too long, we might
Forget how we imagined light.
Not yet are fixed the prison bars:
The hidden light the spirit owns
If blown to flame would dim the stars
And they who rule them from their thrones:
And the proud sceptred spirits thence
Would bow to pay us reverence.
Oh, while the glory sinks within
Let us not wait on earth behind,
But follow where it flies, and win
The glow again, and we may find
Beyond the Gateways of the Day
Dominion and ancestral sway.
The Parting of Ways
The skies from black to pearly grey
Had veered without a star or sun;
Only a burning opal ray
Fell on your brow when all was done.
Aye, after victory, the crown;
Yet through the fight no word of cheer;
And what would win and what go down
No word could help, no light make clear.
A thousand ages onward led
Their joys and sorrows to that hour;
No wisdom weighed, no word was said,
For only what we were had power.
There was no tender leaning there
Of brow to brow in loving mood;
For we were rapt apart, and were
In elemental solitude.
We knew not in redeeming day
Whether our spirits would be found
Floating along the starry way,
Or in the earthly vapours drowned.
Brought by the sunrise-coloured flame
To earth, uncertain yet, the while
I looked at you, there slowly came,
Noble and sisterly, your smile.
We bade adieu to love the old;
We heard another lover then,
Whose forms are myriad and untold,
Sigh to us from the hearts of men.
Dusk its ash-grey blossoms sheds on violet skies
DUSK its ash-grey blossoms sheds on violet skies,
Over twilight mountains where the heart songs rise,
Rise and fall and fade away from earth to air.
Earth renews the music sweeter. Oh, come there.
Come, acushla, come, as in ancient times
Rings aloud the underland with faery chimes.
Down the unseen ways as strays each tinkling fleece
Winding ever onward to a fold of peace,
So my dreams go straying in a land more fair;
Half I tread the dew-wet grasses, half wander there.
Fade your glimmering eyes in a world grown cold;
Come, acushla, with me to the mountains old.
There the bright ones call us waving to and fro—
Come, my children, with me to the ancient go.
The Virgin Mother
WHO is that goddess to whom men should pray
But her from whom their hearts have turned away,
Out of whose virgin being they were born,
Whose mother nature they have named in scorn
Calling its holy substance common clay.
Yet from this so despised earth was made
The milky whiteness of those queens who swayed
Their generations with a light caress,
And from some image of whose loveliness
The heart built up high heaven when it prayed.
Lover, your heart, the heart on which it lies,
Your eyes that gaze, and those alluring eyes,
Your lips, the lips they kiss, alike had birth
Within this dark divinity of earth,
Within this mother being you despise.
Ah, when I think this earth on which we tread
Hath borne these blossoms of the lovely dead,
And made the living heart I love to beat,
I look with sudden awe beneath my feet
As you with erring reverence overhead.
I AM the tender voice calling 'Away,'
Whispering between the beatings of the heart,
And inaccessible in dewy eyes
I dwell, and all unkissed on lovely lips,
Lingering between white breasts inviolate,
And fleeting ever from the passionate touch,
I shine afar, till men may not divine
Whether it is the stars or the beloved
They follow with wrapt spirit. And I weave
My spells at evening, folding with dim caress,
Aerial arms and twilight dropping hair,
The lonely wanderer by wood or shore,
Till, filled with some deep tenderness, he yields,
Feeling in dreams for the dear mother heart
He knew, ere he forsook the starry way,
And clings there, pillowed far above the smoke
And the dim murmur from the duns of men.
I can enchant the trees and rocks, and fill
The dumb brown lips of earth with mystery,
Make them reveal or hide the god. I breathe
A deeper pity than all love, myself
Mother of all, but without hands to heal:
Too vast and vague, they know me not. But yet
I am the heartbreak over fallen things,
The sudden gentleness that stays the blow,
And I am in the kiss that foemen give
Pausing in battle, and in the tears that fall
Over the vanquished foe, and in the highest;
Among the Danaan gods, I am the last
Council of mercy in their hearts where they
Mete justice from a thousand starry thrones.
THERE were many burning hours on the heart-sweet tide,
And we passed away from ourselves, forgetting all
The immortal moods that faded, the god who died,
Hastening away to the King on a distant call.
There were ruby dews were shed when the heart was riven,
And passionate pleading and prayers to the dead we had wronged;
And we passed away unremembering and unforgiven,
Hastening away to the King for the peace we longed.
Love unremembered and heart-ache we left behind,
We forsook them, unheeding, hastening away in our flight;
We knew the hearts we had wronged of old we would find
When we came to the fold of the King for rest in the night
HOW shallow is this mere that gleams!
Its depth of blue is from the skies;
And from a distant sun the dreams
And lovely light within your eyes.
We deem our love so infinite
Because the Lord is everywhere,
And love awakening is made bright
And bathed in that diviner air.
We go on our enchanted way
And deem our hours immortal hours,
Who are but shadow kings that play
With mirrored majesties and powers.
AT DUSK the window panes grew grey;
The wet world vanished in the gloom;
The dim and silver end of day
Scarce glimmered through the little room.
And all my sins were told; I said
Such things to her who knew not sin—
The sharp ache throbbing in my head,
The fever running high within.
I touched with pain her purity;
Sin's darker sense I could not bring:
My soul was black as night to me:
To her I was a wounded thing.
I needed love no words could say;
She drew me softly nigh her chair,
My head upon her knees to lay,
With cool hands that caressed my hair.
She sat with hands as if to bless,
And looked with grave, ethereal eyes;
Ensouled by ancient quietness,
A gentle priestess of the Wise.
OUR true hearts are forever lonely:
A wistfulness is in our thought:
Our lights are like the dawns which only
Seem bright to us and yet are not.
Something you see in me I wis not:
Another heart in you I guess:
A stranger's lips—but thine I kiss not,
Erring in all my tenderness.
I sometimes think a mighty lover
Takes every burning kiss we give:
His lights are those which round us hover:
For him alone our lives we live.
Ah, sigh for us whose hearts unseeing
Point all their passionate love in vain,
And blinded in the joy of being,
Meet only when pain touches pain.
The Vesture of the Soul
I PITIED one whose tattered dress
Was patched, and stained with dust and rain;
He smiled on me; I could not guess
The viewless spirit's wide domain.
He said, 'The royal robe I wear
Trails all along the fields of light:
Its silent blue and silver bear
For gems the starry dust of night.'
'The breath of joy unceasingly
Waves to and fro its folds starlit,
And far beyond earth's misery
I live and breathe the joy of it.'
The Twilight of Earth
THE wonder of the world is o'er:
The magic from the sea is gone:
There is no unimagined shore,
No islet yet to venture on.
The Sacred Hazels' blooms are shed,
The Nuts of Knowledge harvested.
Oh, what is worth this lore of age
If time shall never bring us back
Our battle with the gods to wage
Reeling along the starry track.
The battle rapture here goes by
In warring upon things that die.
Let be the tale of him whose love
Was sighed between white Deirdre's breasts,
It will not lift the heart above
The sodden clay on which it rests.
Love once had power the gods to bring
All rapt on its wild wandering.
We shiver in the falling dew,
And seek a shelter from the storm:
When man these elder brothers knew
He found the mother nature warm,
A hearth fire blazing through it all,
A home without a circling wall.
We dwindle down beneath the skies,
And from ourselves we pass away:
The paradise of memories
Grows ever fainter day by day.
The shepherd stars have shrunk within,
The world's great night will soon begin.
Will no one, ere it is too late,
Ere fades the last memorial gleam,
Recall for us our earlier state?
For nothing but so vast a dream
That it would scale the steeps of air
Could rouse us from so vast despair.
The power is ours to make or mar
Our fate as on the earliest morn,
The Darkness and the Radiance are
Creatures within the spirit born.
Yet, bathed in gloom too long, we might
Forget how we imagined light.
Not yet are fixed the prison bars:
The hidden light the spirit owns
If blown to flame would dim the stars
And they who rule them from their thrones:
And the proud sceptred spirits thence
Would bow to pay us reverence.
Oh, while the glory sinks within
Let us not wait on earth behind,
But follow where it flies, and win
The glow again, and we may find
Beyond the Gateways of the Day
Dominion and ancestral sway.
The Parting of Ways
The skies from black to pearly grey
Had veered without a star or sun;
Only a burning opal ray
Fell on your brow when all was done.
Aye, after victory, the crown;
Yet through the fight no word of cheer;
And what would win and what go down
No word could help, no light make clear.
A thousand ages onward led
Their joys and sorrows to that hour;
No wisdom weighed, no word was said,
For only what we were had power.
There was no tender leaning there
Of brow to brow in loving mood;
For we were rapt apart, and were
In elemental solitude.
We knew not in redeeming day
Whether our spirits would be found
Floating along the starry way,
Or in the earthly vapours drowned.
Brought by the sunrise-coloured flame
To earth, uncertain yet, the while
I looked at you, there slowly came,
Noble and sisterly, your smile.
We bade adieu to love the old;
We heard another lover then,
Whose forms are myriad and untold,
Sigh to us from the hearts of men.
Dusk its ash-grey blossoms sheds on violet skies
DUSK its ash-grey blossoms sheds on violet skies,
Over twilight mountains where the heart songs rise,
Rise and fall and fade away from earth to air.
Earth renews the music sweeter. Oh, come there.
Come, acushla, come, as in ancient times
Rings aloud the underland with faery chimes.
Down the unseen ways as strays each tinkling fleece
Winding ever onward to a fold of peace,
So my dreams go straying in a land more fair;
Half I tread the dew-wet grasses, half wander there.
Fade your glimmering eyes in a world grown cold;
Come, acushla, with me to the mountains old.
There the bright ones call us waving to and fro—
Come, my children, with me to the ancient go.
The Virgin Mother
WHO is that goddess to whom men should pray
But her from whom their hearts have turned away,
Out of whose virgin being they were born,
Whose mother nature they have named in scorn
Calling its holy substance common clay.
Yet from this so despised earth was made
The milky whiteness of those queens who swayed
Their generations with a light caress,
And from some image of whose loveliness
The heart built up high heaven when it prayed.
Lover, your heart, the heart on which it lies,
Your eyes that gaze, and those alluring eyes,
Your lips, the lips they kiss, alike had birth
Within this dark divinity of earth,
Within this mother being you despise.
Ah, when I think this earth on which we tread
Hath borne these blossoms of the lovely dead,
And made the living heart I love to beat,
I look with sudden awe beneath my feet
As you with erring reverence overhead.
poets' corner
Roses Can Wound
ROSES can wound,
But not from having thorns they do most harm;
Often the night gives, starry-sheen or moon'd,
Deep in the soul alarm.
And it hath been deep within my heart like fear,
Girl, when you are near.
The mist of sense,
Wherein the soul goes shielded, can divide,
And she must cringe and be ashamed, and wince,
Not in appearance hide
Of rose or girl from the blazing mastery
Of bared Eternity.
"All Last Night . . ."
ALL last night I had quiet
In a fragrant dream and warm:
She became my Sabbath,
And round my neck, her arm.
I knew the warmth in my dreaming;
The fragrance, I suppose,
Was her hair about me,
Or else she wore a rose.
Her hair I think; for likest
Woodruffe 'twas, when Spring
Loitering down the wet woodways
Treads it sauntering.
No light, nor any speaking;
Fragrant only and warm.
Enough to know my lodging,
The white Sabbath of her arm.
Hope and Despair
SAID God, "You sisters, ere ye go
Down among men, my work to do,
I will on each a badge bestow:
Hope I love best, and gold for her,
Yet a silver glory for Despair,
For she is my angel too."
Then like a queen, Despair
Put on the stars to wear.
But Hope took ears of corn, and round
Her temples in a wreath them bound.--
Which think ye lookt the more fair?
Hymn to Love
WE ARE thine, O Love, being in thee and made of thee,
As thou, Love, were the deep thought
And we the speech of the thought; yea, spoken are we,
Thy fires of thought out-spoken:
But burn'd not through us thy imagining
Like fierce mood in a song caught,
We were as clamour'd words a fool may fling,
Loose words, of meaning broken.
For what more like the brainless speech of a fool,--
The lives travelling dark fears,
And as a boy throws pebbles in a pool
Thrown down abysmal places?
Hazardous are the stars, yet is our birth
And our journeying time theirs;
As words of air, life makes of starry earth
Sweet soul-delighted faces;
As voices are we in the worldly wind;
The great wind of the world's fate
Is turned, as air to a shapen sound, to mind
And marvellous desires.
But not in the world as voices storm-shatter'd,
Not borne down by the wind's weight;
The rushing time rings with our splendid word
Like darkness filled with fires.
For Love doth use us for a sound of song,
And Love's meaning our life wields,
Making our souls like syllables to throng
His tunes of exultation.
Down the blind speed of a fatal world we fly,
As rain blown along earth's fields;
Yet are we god-desiring liturgy,
Sung joys of adoration;
Yea, made of chance and all a labouring strife,
We go charged with a strong flame;
For as a language Love hath seized on life
His burning heart to story.
Yea, Love, we are thine, the liturgy of thee.
Thy thought's golden and glad name,
The mortal conscience of immortal glee,
Love's zeal in Love's own glory.
Lascelles Abercrombie
ROSES can wound,
But not from having thorns they do most harm;
Often the night gives, starry-sheen or moon'd,
Deep in the soul alarm.
And it hath been deep within my heart like fear,
Girl, when you are near.
The mist of sense,
Wherein the soul goes shielded, can divide,
And she must cringe and be ashamed, and wince,
Not in appearance hide
Of rose or girl from the blazing mastery
Of bared Eternity.
"All Last Night . . ."
ALL last night I had quiet
In a fragrant dream and warm:
She became my Sabbath,
And round my neck, her arm.
I knew the warmth in my dreaming;
The fragrance, I suppose,
Was her hair about me,
Or else she wore a rose.
Her hair I think; for likest
Woodruffe 'twas, when Spring
Loitering down the wet woodways
Treads it sauntering.
No light, nor any speaking;
Fragrant only and warm.
Enough to know my lodging,
The white Sabbath of her arm.
Hope and Despair
SAID God, "You sisters, ere ye go
Down among men, my work to do,
I will on each a badge bestow:
Hope I love best, and gold for her,
Yet a silver glory for Despair,
For she is my angel too."
Then like a queen, Despair
Put on the stars to wear.
But Hope took ears of corn, and round
Her temples in a wreath them bound.--
Which think ye lookt the more fair?
Hymn to Love
WE ARE thine, O Love, being in thee and made of thee,
As thou, Love, were the deep thought
And we the speech of the thought; yea, spoken are we,
Thy fires of thought out-spoken:
But burn'd not through us thy imagining
Like fierce mood in a song caught,
We were as clamour'd words a fool may fling,
Loose words, of meaning broken.
For what more like the brainless speech of a fool,--
The lives travelling dark fears,
And as a boy throws pebbles in a pool
Thrown down abysmal places?
Hazardous are the stars, yet is our birth
And our journeying time theirs;
As words of air, life makes of starry earth
Sweet soul-delighted faces;
As voices are we in the worldly wind;
The great wind of the world's fate
Is turned, as air to a shapen sound, to mind
And marvellous desires.
But not in the world as voices storm-shatter'd,
Not borne down by the wind's weight;
The rushing time rings with our splendid word
Like darkness filled with fires.
For Love doth use us for a sound of song,
And Love's meaning our life wields,
Making our souls like syllables to throng
His tunes of exultation.
Down the blind speed of a fatal world we fly,
As rain blown along earth's fields;
Yet are we god-desiring liturgy,
Sung joys of adoration;
Yea, made of chance and all a labouring strife,
We go charged with a strong flame;
For as a language Love hath seized on life
His burning heart to story.
Yea, Love, we are thine, the liturgy of thee.
Thy thought's golden and glad name,
The mortal conscience of immortal glee,
Love's zeal in Love's own glory.
Lascelles Abercrombie
I wonder
Where has smile disappeared?
Where have promises vanished?
Why has truth disappeared?
Where has love evanished?
I walk through those lonely roads again and wonder
1.Why is it that we understand the value of life when we fear of loosing it? The real value of life can be seen in the eyes of a dying man. The only thing we take for granted everyday when we wake up is that we have got one more to live, to dream, to laugh, to cry.
2.Why is it that even if we know that our mom loves us the most, her love for is truly unconditional and passionate., We take her love for us, would rather say we take her for granted. Those long nights she has spent sleepless for our health, our exams, we never even thank her for it. Why do we take her love for us for granted?
3.Why is it that the real value of love can be seen in the hearts of people who have lost someone they loved passionately? Why is love just some trivial game for people who get it without working hard?
4.Why is it that the most beautiful things on this earth come free and we spend our entire life running after things that cost us a fortune? Love, friendship, care, concern, the morning rays of the sun, the beautiful colors of the flowers, the song of birds, the beauty of butterflies, the air we breathe, smile on the face of the one we love the most, the touch of a baby, moms hugs they all come free and we seldom notice them.
5.Why is it that we run after people who wouldn't care to appreciate us or care for us and never appreciate people who appreciate us?
6.Why is it that we take so many things in life for granted? Emotions of people who love us for granted? In fact people who love us for granted
This probably proves how foolish we all really are or does it prove how mean the force that is controlling every movement on this earth actually is? Is it destiny or our own negligence? As a child I had heard so many stories where the ending was always happy, where people got what they deserved, where there was love and victory of truth. Where the princess always had her prince ride a white horse and come to her, where the King always defeated the evil powers. Were they just to fool us? Or just to keep our childhood sans reality, reality that is so bitter? I still wonder
Where has smile disappeared?
Where have promises vanished?
Why has truth disappeared?
Where has love evanished?
I walk through those lonely roads again and wonder
1.Why is it that we understand the value of life when we fear of loosing it? The real value of life can be seen in the eyes of a dying man. The only thing we take for granted everyday when we wake up is that we have got one more to live, to dream, to laugh, to cry.
2.Why is it that even if we know that our mom loves us the most, her love for is truly unconditional and passionate., We take her love for us, would rather say we take her for granted. Those long nights she has spent sleepless for our health, our exams, we never even thank her for it. Why do we take her love for us for granted?
3.Why is it that the real value of love can be seen in the hearts of people who have lost someone they loved passionately? Why is love just some trivial game for people who get it without working hard?
4.Why is it that the most beautiful things on this earth come free and we spend our entire life running after things that cost us a fortune? Love, friendship, care, concern, the morning rays of the sun, the beautiful colors of the flowers, the song of birds, the beauty of butterflies, the air we breathe, smile on the face of the one we love the most, the touch of a baby, moms hugs they all come free and we seldom notice them.
5.Why is it that we run after people who wouldn't care to appreciate us or care for us and never appreciate people who appreciate us?
6.Why is it that we take so many things in life for granted? Emotions of people who love us for granted? In fact people who love us for granted
This probably proves how foolish we all really are or does it prove how mean the force that is controlling every movement on this earth actually is? Is it destiny or our own negligence? As a child I had heard so many stories where the ending was always happy, where people got what they deserved, where there was love and victory of truth. Where the princess always had her prince ride a white horse and come to her, where the King always defeated the evil powers. Were they just to fool us? Or just to keep our childhood sans reality, reality that is so bitter? I still wonder
Senin, 18 Mei 2009
bersandar pada malam
Meraba dalam gelap,tak tau apa yang ingin di cari dalam perjalanan ini.
Bintang yang slalu bersinar dalam temaram seakan memberi tanda pada hati akan sebuah asa yang slalu berkelip....
Ku untai bait demi bait berharap semua rindu ini mampu ku jalin dalam kata,namun semua hanyalah semu yang tak bertepi.Pada siapa sajak ini akan terangkai??? Pada bulan,bintang ataukah mega yang menghias indah malam.
Dalam gelap ku senandumgkan rindu yang tak tersampai,berharap akan sebuah jawab dalam tanya yang tak terucap.
Sajak-sajak kembali terserak seakan mengisyaratkan raga yang tak lagi di huni oleh jiwa yang suci,kemana kah ia berlabuh??
Di lembah landai ini kaki mulai tersurut oleh waktu seakan pertanda bahwa air mata yang tersia tak lagi memiliki makna,jiwa ini mulai mengering menanti akan hangat mentari di musim semi.....
meski senandung ini tak lagi memiliki irama,namun kie hanyalah pengelana yang masih mencoba dalam langkah,mencari sebuah makna yang belum terungkap,menanti sebuah asa yang tak lagi tergenggam.
Pada malam kie bersandar....
Menyaksikan bintang-bintang yang menari dengan gemulai,seakan mengajak kie tuk slalu tersenyum meski palung yang tercipta begitu dalam.
Entah akankah ia kan slalu bertahta dalam jiwa ini???
Hanya pada malam.....
Perlahan kie temui sebuah jawab yang masih terdiam dalam sudut tergelap.
Dengarkan lah senandung ini,meski tak lagi memiliki irama........
Bintang yang slalu bersinar dalam temaram seakan memberi tanda pada hati akan sebuah asa yang slalu berkelip....
Ku untai bait demi bait berharap semua rindu ini mampu ku jalin dalam kata,namun semua hanyalah semu yang tak bertepi.Pada siapa sajak ini akan terangkai??? Pada bulan,bintang ataukah mega yang menghias indah malam.
Dalam gelap ku senandumgkan rindu yang tak tersampai,berharap akan sebuah jawab dalam tanya yang tak terucap.
Sajak-sajak kembali terserak seakan mengisyaratkan raga yang tak lagi di huni oleh jiwa yang suci,kemana kah ia berlabuh??
Di lembah landai ini kaki mulai tersurut oleh waktu seakan pertanda bahwa air mata yang tersia tak lagi memiliki makna,jiwa ini mulai mengering menanti akan hangat mentari di musim semi.....
meski senandung ini tak lagi memiliki irama,namun kie hanyalah pengelana yang masih mencoba dalam langkah,mencari sebuah makna yang belum terungkap,menanti sebuah asa yang tak lagi tergenggam.
Pada malam kie bersandar....
Menyaksikan bintang-bintang yang menari dengan gemulai,seakan mengajak kie tuk slalu tersenyum meski palung yang tercipta begitu dalam.
Entah akankah ia kan slalu bertahta dalam jiwa ini???
Hanya pada malam.....
Perlahan kie temui sebuah jawab yang masih terdiam dalam sudut tergelap.
Dengarkan lah senandung ini,meski tak lagi memiliki irama........
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